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Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 1.25.20 PM.png

Max Bending, Stress, Deflection:

$$ M_{max}=PL\\\\ $$

$$ \sigma(L)=\frac{-ML}{I_{z}} $$

$$ \delta_{max}=\frac{-PL^3}{3EI_{z}} $$

Carbon Tube Mechanical Properties [1][2]:



Verify OTS Carbon Tube:

  1. Input: $P,\ L,\ D,\ d$
    1. If needed, change $E,\ \sigma_{max}$
  2. $\sigma(L) \leq1.8GPa$
    1. $F.S.=\frac{1.8GPa}{\sigma(L)}$
  3. $\delta_{max}\leq\frac{L}{40}$


[1] Fleuret, C., Andreani, A., Laine, E., Grandidier, J., L'Heritier, S., Gorge, A. "Complex wing spar design in carbon fiber reinforced composite for a light aerobatic aircraft." Mechanics and Industry, vol. 17, no. 6, article 614, 2016. [2] Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre Composite Materials, Fibre / Epoxy resin (120°C Cure). Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fibre Composite Materials. (n.d.).