1. Foam Core Preparation

1.1. Rough cutting foam block

  1. Mark out the required foam dimension +.5in over size using a sharpie. For example, if a 6x24 rectangle is desired, one should mark out a 7x25 area
  2. Cut out the marked block from the full sheet of foam using a rough wood saw

1.2. Squaring the block and cutting to dimension

  1. Establish a flat reference surface by cutting away one side of the foam block with a hot wire guided by vertical squares. The cut shall be made parallel to the chord plane, taking care to remove as little material as practical
  2. Measuring off the reference, mark out the desired geometry, this time to exact dimension.
  3. Using the same vertical guides, cut the block to dimension using the hot wire

1.3. Cutting the foam core

  1. Place the foam block down onto a flat surface. Weigh down the block by placing weights on top (check with the hot wire bow to ensure that there is no interference)
  2. Pin the lower airfoil templates onto both ends of the foam block
  3. Carefully cut the foam using a hot wire bow
    1. Begin the cut at the leading edge, ensuring that the wire remains parallel to the leading edge.
    2. Apply firm pressure to ensure the wire remains in contact with the templates, and smoothly pull the wire backwards
    3. Ensure that the wire exits the block parallel to the trailing edge.
  4. Remove the lower airfoil templates, and pin in the top airfoil templates
  5. Repeat step 3 to cut the upper surface of the wing
  6. Remove the cut core from the upper and lower foam beds.
  7. Trim away most of the excess trailing edge, taking care to leave ~0.5” of excess