Mission |
Description |
Scoring |
Design Considerations |
Mission 1 |
Mission: |
- Payload: None
- Laps: 3
- Staging window:
5 minutes
- Flight window:
5 minutes (excluding landing)
- Must have successful landing to count | $M_1 = 1.0$ | While this mission has the least amount of constraints to our design, an aircraft with an operating speed capable of completing 3 laps in 5 minutes is necessary; thus, operating speed (and, thus, drag) is an important driving factor for our design. |
| Mission 2 | Mission:
- Payload: X-1 test vehicle and fuel tanks
- Laps: 3 (time will be recorded)
- Staging window:
5 minutes
- Flight window:
5 minutes (excluding landing)
- Must have successful landing to count | $M_2=1+\dfrac{\left(\dfrac{W_{fuel}}{time}\right){team}}{\left(\dfrac{W{fuel}}{time}\right)_{max}}$ | The two main variables that Mission 2 introduces into our design considerations are Carrying Capacity (Wfuel) and time, time being proportional to operating speed. Both factors are equally weighed in the scoring of mission 2, so minimizing completion while maximizing carrying capacity will maximize Mission 2 score |
| Mission 3 | Mission:
- Payload: X-1 test vehicle and fuel tanks
- Fuel tanks are empty
- Laps: As many as possible
- Staging window:
5 minutes
- Flight window:
5 minutes (excluding landing)
- Must have successful landing to count
X-1 glider:
- Must be carried under aircraft’s fuselage
- Must be able to be dropped via transmitter
- Will be launched at 200 - 400 feet
- Must land within safety line
- Can’t be dropped until aircraft completes full lap | $M_3=2+\dfrac{\left(\#laps+\dfrac{bonus\ box\ score}{\text{X-1}\ vehicle\ weight}\right){team}}{\left(\#laps+\dfrac{bonus\ box\ score}{\text{X-1}\ vehicle\ weight}\right){max}}$ | Operating speed is important for Mission 3, given an unlimited number of laps. However, the bonus box score is instrumental in maximizing score for Mission 3, as M3 sharply increases with increase in the bonus box score. The weight of the X-1 glider also factors into the scoring of Mission 3, and has an equal effect on score outcome as the bonus box points; however, due to practical manufacturing limitations, it is not possible to change the weight of the glider by the same magnitude that the bonus box score can be changed. |
| Ground | Mission:
- Aircraft will start completely unloaded
- Pylons, fuel tanks, and glider must be installed
- Battery will already be installed
- Only ground crew members can participate
- Aircraft will be loaded, flight controls verified, and X-1 glider dropped
- Time will be recorded | $GM=\dfrac{time_{min}}{time_{team}}$ | A well trained ground team is needed for a high mission score. Practice is essential so that every member of the ground team knows their role, and also to phase out unexpected problems. |
Sensitivity Study Setup
does not consider mission one, which is binary.
Parameters Studied:
- M2: fuel weight
- M2: lap time
- M3: # of laps
- baseline: 5; change in steps
- M3: bonus box score
- baseline: 1, [0, 1, 2.5] in steps
- M3: glider weight
- baseline: half of max (0.55/2)
- M1: assume it is scored (=1)
- M2: assume max team capacity is 22 lbs payload in 150 seconds
- M3: assume flying 5 laps, full bonus, and half the max glider mass
- GM: assume we’re the top 30% in ground mission speed (=0.7)
y-axis: % change in total score
x-axis: % change in parameter
let’s do 30% to 160% sweep → +/- 60% change for each parameter
( total_score - total_default )/ ( total_default)
Sensitivity Study Results + Conclusions